Never Ask Why – Life With 6 Kids

Posts Tagged ‘familly

So one day I was scrubbing my kitchen floors (I think that was the last time I attempted that).  The phone – the phone was ringing.  It was the kids’ foster mom.  I sat down to chat with her and the kids took over what I was doing.  Before you know it there was water running all over.  All I needed was a lamp post and an umbrella and was suddenly Gene Autry.  I was singing in the rain.  Although the rain wasn’t coming from above it was just flowing all over below.  How was I ever going to get this mess cleaned up?  Did I actually have enough towels to sop up a whole kitchen and hallway?  It was probably at this point that I decided I was better off doing the work myself.  Although I will say now before God and everyone that I am a control freak.  But if I let them do it their way it was going to create much more work for me.  It’s easier to house break a dog than it is to house break these kids.  UGH!

First I must apologize for the great delay since my last blog.  Alex was in the hospital with viral menengitis.  It was a pretty rough time.  But it was even harder to come back home and deal with the rest of the kids and Alex too.  And it was all right before school started.  I was very out of sorts.  But anyhow…

Our court date was finally set.  We took time off of work and headed down to WV.  Fortunately it was around Labor Day so we were going to be down there anyhow.  But we had to plan an extended stay to go to the court hearing.  Mom and Dad were down there with us as well.  And then they changed the date again.  But as I recall it was just by a day or two.  From what I can remember (I am known for having a bad memory unless it’s a phone number) Joe and my mom had to go back home due to lack of vacation days.  So my dad and I stayed down for the court hearing. 

The day finally came.  Dad and I headed off for court, something I thought I would be doing with Joe.  We met up with Brooke.  We got to the court house and found out that some things had changed.  Don’t you just love our legal system?  This time it was just a couple of hours of delay.  That I could handle – almost.  Would we ever get our day in court?

I am going to skip ahead to a “day in my life.”  I will return to the story of adoption before long.

When I get up in the morning I prepare myself.  I prepare myself for fighting, biting, yelling, scratching, screaming, and hitting.  It’s not me doing these things.  The worst part of my morning is usually Michael.  Michael has ADHD and ODD (oppositional defiant disorder).  So there is that period of time every morning when Michael’s medicine has not kicked in yet.  He picks fights with his sister.  He bounces off the walls.  He fights with me.  He pesters everything and everyone.  He can’t sit still or shut up.  I can’t stand it.  And Jean also had ADHD and ODD.  She can’t even stand having Michael looking at her in the morning.  And those are the two kids that are around each other the most.  I REALLY hate the morning.

After reading the descriptions of the four kids Joe and I were very excited.  There were so many others with such extreme problems.  It made these kids sound like a walk in the park.  And we were still encouraged we received even more info.

Ann has a very good daily routine.  She rises easily for school without complaint.  She also eats and drinks well and does not complain about foods.  She loves pizza, hot dogs, and macaroni & cheese.  Ann has a very bubbly and sweet personality.  She is an active and energetic little girl with a wide smile.  She is described as a “good kid” by her foster mother.  She is also talkative and inquisitive and very friendly.

Alex is content to sit and draw or color by herself, more than any of her siblings.  However, she often does get caught up in the hyperactivity of her siblings and can be quite active herself.  Alex comments that she likes to read and likes math in school.  Alex loves hot dogs and macaroni and cheese.  She has a very sweet and bubbly personality.  She is a talkative and bubbly child with a beautiful smile and has cute little freckles across her nose.  Her face lights up when she laughs and she is a very easy child to talk to.

Jean has a sweet personality.  She is very loving and needs a lot of attention.  She may need a lot of assurance and affection.  She is very sweet natured and kind child that has a lot of love to give. 

Michael is very mischievous and curious, which is often a sign that a child is learning about their environment.  He is a good eater as well and he loves eggs and bacon, but hates pancakes.  Michael is a very mischievous and active child who loves to run and play.  He sometimes gives his sisters a hard time, like many little brothers, but in general they play well together.  He is a very inquisitive and funny child and loves to play and watch television.

So, what’s not to love?  Right?

So, it was now March of 2003.  Joe and I have been married for almost 6 years.  So, that is about 5 1/2 years of trying to make a baby (never give up – never surrender).  We are still “shopping around” for a child(ren) to adopt.  We kept looking at different sites on the internet as well as receiving different options from our adoption agency.  And then Joe gets a phone call.  He calls me at work to tell me that we have been matched with a sibling group of 4.  There were 3 girls and a boy.  The oldest girl, Ann, was 8.  The next youngest girl was 7.  Her name was Alex(andria).  Then there was Jean, she was 4.  And finally, Michael who was 3.  I was going to get my little girl(s) and Joe was content that there was one boy in the bunch.  We got their information faxed over to us.  They sounded like fairly normal children.  So, we said YES!  (Don’t forget to check under the hood.)

May 2024


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